Tips From The Top

44 Things To Do Instead Of Blowing A Gasket

A list of things that sometimes actually calm the nerves, at least for a moment.


I’m writing this while wearing two cold under-eye patches and one of those chin-lifting face masks because, um, the internet has ruined my perception of what an actual face looks like. It’s 11PM on Sunday night and I have two other looming deadlines ahead, both of which are due tomorrow.

If this were a different time, I’d be properly freaking out. Instead of indulging in not one but two masks, I’d send my cortisol levels into overdrive and waste energy on what TikTok calls “fear mentality.” The work would get done, but with an unpleasant hum of unnecessary anxiety and catastrophic thoughts drumming on in the background.

I’d like to think that time spent worrying in my early twenties led me to find my inner “whatever man” now. Do I still freak out? Obviously. Just for less stupid reasons (most of the time). I'm having melt downs just as much as the next girl — this is merely a template for not sweating the small stuff. I’m not sure if there is any freak-out remedy better than years spent witnessing one's own misplaced worry, but here are some alternative frontrunners for keeping from flying off the tracks.

1- We’re all going to die anyway.

2- Write a haiku. About anything.

3- Take a quick break and buy some fun socks online.

4- Buy one of these chin lift things to keep your face from falling (from all that worrying).

5- But also stop buying so many things because that’s stressful.

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