Give The People What They Want

Thoughts From A Tween: 6th Grade Camp

Goofing around with friends, rusty bunkbeds, Rubik's cube solvers, piano players, and a talent show.


Give The People What They Want is a monthly column on the happenings of a preteen, written by 12-year-old Henry Jones.

Roughly a month ago, I was signed up for 6th Grade Camp. Now for people who don’t know what that is, it’s basically any old summer camp but for 6th Graders. These five Days were one of the most painful moments of my life. It all began when my mom dropped me off at the bus pickup. We got on the bus; it was all big, modern-looking, basically just a Band Tour bus the school borrowed. The drive was normal, just me and my friend goofing around, annoying the girls in the back; just like any old 6th Grader.

We finally showed up to camp, it was cold, but not freezing. We were met by this guy, maybe 30s to 40s. He took attendance and led us to our cabin; which is one way to say it, because it really looked like a giant public restroom, like at a city park or something. The beds were rusty and screws were hanging out of the sockets, they held two tiny hole-filled mattresses.

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