Hot Girl Lit

How To Make A Living As A Writer

A case for selling plasma, signing up as an art assistant, and keeping an eye out for Craigslist gigs.

By Cora Lee

Illustration by Kimberly Elliot


A professor of mine told me that I would “make it as a writer,” since I knew how to work. To put this in context, I went to a university full of incredibly wealthy people (with some moderately wealthy people mixed in), so sometimes my classmates would ask me things like, “Are you sure you want to have a job while you’re in school?” All this started to give me a “Good Will Hunting Complex,” which was only heightened when a doorman on campus mistook me for the janitor.

Needless to say, while living under late-stage capitalism, one job is rarely enough––it wasn’t then and it isn’t now. Anytime I manage to get ahead, something happens, like getting a ticket for hopping the subway turnstile, or backing into someone’s car and leaving a golf-ball sized dent, or finding out that I actually do have to pay my federal loans back.

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