I’m Done With Living 'On Brand'

The pressure to be consistent infiltrates everything, especially how we live online. The other option? Throwing it all out the window.


I’m tired – for a lot of reasons, but I’ve realized that a big factor in my on-going tiredness is that I’m so often trying to curate my life to be… on brand. What do I mean by that? The pressure for every outfit I wear, my apartment decor, the phrases I say, the events I attend, and the photos I post on social media to be very “me" is tiresome, and so is the task of trying very hard to make it that way.

What even is “on brand” for me? Books, cats, plants, thrifted clothes, furniture from Facebook marketplace, glasses, short hair, a general distaste for the sweltering heat of summer, throw pillows.

Not on brand: selfies, absurdly large water bottles, any home decor item that doesn’t absolutely match the aesthetic of my apartment, weekends spent fishing, writing poetry.

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