Theme Of The Month

Issue 02: Heatwave

Our hearts are on fire and so is everything else.


As of June 21st, it's summer. Cook-an-egg-on-the-sidewalk season is upon us, and according to the weather reports, it's going to be a hot one. But July's theme is not just an ode to rising temperatures — there's so much more to be said about summer's sizzling, sweaty nights, spicy street food, the boxers and mini tank top uniform, hot-off-the-press news and on-the-rise trends. It's all part of a celebration, which tends to happen simultaneously with crises, ranging from personal meltdowns to global warming. That's what heatwave is about.

Arriving July 6th, this issue is one big, hot melting pot. We're assessing New York's sexiest, most savage season while discussing everything that's up in flames, including our hearts and our planet. It's a hot-stuff month that embraces the good and the bad. After all, nothing's ever really just one or the other, is it?

July submissions are due on June 29th to, but the earlier, the better. And if you need more time, tell us! Take our theme with a grain of salt and have fun with it. Your July column or article does not have to directly reflect our theme. Be yourself and let your creativity roam free. We can’t wait to see how you prefer to heat things up.

One more thing: We added an FAQ section to our site here, which answers questions around pitching, word count, and writer rates — which we’re working actively toward. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any direct questions!

Forever yours,

Meg + Gutes

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