When Dating Feels Like A Game Of Where's Waldo, This Hack Helps

Applying the practice of intentional spending to find my Waldo in a sea of mismatches.


“I’m too busy to date” is easy to say because it’s true. And also because, historically, while I’ve been pretty good at relationships (until I’m not), my approach to dating could use some work. It’s a respectable cop out with just enough truth behind it.

Since moving to Los Angeles in September of last year, dating hasn’t been a priority for me. I’ve given precedence to laying the foundational pieces for life in a new city: finding the right assortment of rugs, becoming a plant person, discovering my love of hand roll bars and getting to know my new people well. I’ve made room to date casually in the midst of falling head over heels in like with my new home, but romance isn't top of mind; generally, I think, because it’s out of sight.

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